Tuesday, November 14, 2006

love of a father

The Love of a Father
My heart had been broken

I thought it never would heal

So overcome with despair I could no longer feel

My first born child had been taken from me

Held captive by demons that would not let her be

I watched in horror as she traveled this path

A gauntlet I know for I’ve felt the same wrath

I know all too well the pain of being alone

Not knowing of love or the warmth of a home

I had hoped my mistakes would save her such pain

But it didn’t you see and I had to live it again

Only this time it was different as it wasn’t me

For this was my child and I could not make her see

I feared for her life and I feared for her soul

And I desperately hoped she would climb out of that hole

I lay awake in bed praying as best as I knew how

That God would help her, God please help her now

As hours turned to days and days into weeks

My fears and my hopes rose and fell like twin peaks

Then one day a call came from a voice I knew not

They told me my daughter was brought in on a cot

They told me she was hopeless and she had no one to call

That she had burned all her bridges and it was now time to fall

But this angel from God she knew better you see

Because she picked up the phone and she dialed me

When I walked in the door I could not believe my own eyes

Because I saw the shell of a person with no will to try

I told her I loved her and that the nightmare could end

All she need to do is give me her hand

For the love of a father is simple and true

And sometimes all it takes is to start anew

So know that you are never and I mean never alone

And that two lives were saved when I picked up the phone

Never question your right to be happy in life

For it can be achieved despite all the strife

Look to your children and their eyes full of hope

If you look long enough you won’t ever need dope.

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