Wednesday, November 29, 2006



These are ancient indian texts that contain the most spectacular pieces
of philosophical jigsaw Most of these belong to the period prior to
advent of buddha in 7th century before christ
There are over 200 upanisads many of them sectarian
in caharacter an palpably post buddhistic and even post sankaracharya.

Principle upanisads those whish are accepted and commented upon by sankaracharya [AD 788-820]. These include

Without understanding the upanisads it is impossible to get
an insight into indian history and culture . Every philosophical
and relegious development in indians is inspired by
this timeless knowedge banks

BHAKTI - path of devotion to a personal god

KARMA - an undetached action

AND spiritual insights of GITA are all inspired by tyhese great texts

In words of Bloomfield "There is no important form of hindu thought ,hetrodox buddhism included, that is not rooted in upanisads."

From Gita ., Buddha ,sankara , ramkrishna , gandhi , osho ,

swami vivekananda ,all have heavy impact of this

vedantic inspiration. It is the energy of this strengthening

and purifying philosophy of vedanta coupled with

energy of modern science and technology that swami vivekananda

has released for recreating India in the mordern age .

This energy has flowed at first to the west ,then to the east ,

to reacitivate the life of mordern man globally .

To the upanisads India owes almost all the brighter side of her life and culture.

To them she owes her impressive record of active toleration within her border and the uniformaly peaceful and benevolent nature of her foreign relations in the field of religion

To them she owes the singular absense of aggresive political and military policies and programmes on her part towards other nations during her millenia of history

To them she owes the periodical renewal of her national springs of insights , when they seem all but choked and about to dry up

To them also she owes the absence of heavy hand of all

powerful church and the tentackles of an inescapable

dogma on national life and mind ,allowing for the

emergence and unhampered functioning, in

suceeding periods, of free ,creative and universal spirits

who came to purify and reactivate

the dormant spirit of people. These where received

by the indian people and given divine honours ,

unlike the hostility an persecution , with which th
spiritual innovators were and still are received in

all sematic religions,in absence of the impersona

l background which the upanisads had provided for

the indian religion and whose possesion over ages

is an impressive feature of India;s long history.

In times that we live in , when we say chaos is prevalent , we fail to recognise o religious renaaissance that is taking place all over the planet

In past the religion was in the hands of a chosen few or
a body of priest , it was in the churches ,temples , books,
dogma , ceremonial form and ritual ,but now
this revolution is happening in which the relegious
ideas have become universal , vast and infinite and this
power is available to all of us . It is sometimes said the
religions are drying out , that spiritual ideas are
dying out of the world . I think on the contrary
these have begun to grow and reach out like the nutrints
of the roots reach each and every leaf and soon this tree
will be full of blosswoms and flowers .
As a human mind broadens , its spiritual steps broadens too.
The time has already come when a man cannot record a
thought without it reaching to all corners of the earth;
by merely physical means , we have come in touch with
the whole world so the future of religion has to become
as universal ,as wide and upanisads are going to
play a major role in this as they have always done
in the long history of religions


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